Animation Drawings

Fables of Venice

With apologies to Hugo Pratt.

I had a residency at the Emily Harvey Foundation this spring of 2024. It was wonderful to spend 5 weeks in Venice. My project is a series of short animations about real and fictional characters associated with Venice. I spent my time in Venice doing research, writing and planning, taking photos, recording audio and drawing.

Here are a few drawings and clips. More to come soon.

Veronica Granco Illustration
Veronica Franco
Casanova's Vision
Casanova’s Vision
Fortuny Courtyard
Bartolomeo Colleoni
Animation Drawings

god’s mom

I made some drawings and a bit of animation for a film written by Peter Littlefield and directed by Roy Rallo. It is based on the Book of Revelation.

Here’s a couple of clips and drawings.

Godzilla emerges from a cloud of locusts in “god’s mom”
Locusts emerging from the pit in “god’s mom”
 mountain falling into the sea
Burning moountain falls into the sea
il and fire rain down
Hail, blood and fire

Masks 2020 NYC

Calvin Reid and I made a short film about making and wearing masks in the first year of the pandemic in New York City. Kind of a PSA.

Animation Blog

1975: A Prophetic Drama

Check out, the website Kate Culkin and I made for this play written by Harriet Hosmer in 1875, set in 1975. I created the animation, which is cut into short segments and embedded throughout the text of the play. Kate has annotated the text as well as provided context, a bibliography and other resources on Harriet and on women writing speculative and science fiction in the 19th century.

Here’s a couple of short clips. Merciful Powers! describes how the leaders of Turkey and Russia destroyed that part of the world. In Detained Electric Forces, we learn how electricity works on the brain.

Animation Books Drawings

Accordion Books

I made a series of accordion books based on my drawings for the animations of the play “1975: A Prophetic Drama.” I also made a couple of video books that included clips of the animations. Here’s a few photos. I showed these at the MoCCA festival in 2019 at a table with Marianne Petit and Eric Hagan. I also showed one at a virtual A. More Store at James Fuentes in December of 2020.



Birth: Dream Symbolism from jody culkin on Vimeo.

Some dream interpretation stuff from Freud: Birth.

Animation Blog Books Installations Physical Computing

Maker Faire 2016 with Marianne Petit

Marianne Petit and I shared a table at World Maker Faire, called Fairy Tales, Science Fiction and Freud. Gareth Branwyn wrote a lovely piece about our work on Make. Here are a few pictures.

Animation Blog

Stop Motion Test

I did a short stop motion test with a Raspberry Pi using cut-outs based on work on Freud and St. Augustine. Fun