
NY Comic-Con 2012

NY Comic-Con will never be as much fun for me as San Diego Comic-Con: I’m not on vaction, it’s not in sunny California, it’s at the Javits Center, I don’t get to stay in a hotel. It is mighty fun though. A few pics.

First I saw Bryan Lee O’Malley.

Then I saw Ramona Flowers.

Bane and old-style Batman fought.

There were cat ears that read your brain waves.

And lots and lots of cosplay.


Comics on Make Site Now

If you would like to download my comics from the breadboarding workshop at Maker Faire, they are now on the Make site. One page explains how to use a breadboard, 2 pages explain how to build the circuit they used in the workshop.


Projects on Public Art Fund site

I just found a couple of pages on the Public Art Fund site about public art projects I did in the 80’s. I have never gotten around to digitizing documentation from this period- glad they have. I Tell The Time.  Williamsburg Bridge Show.

Blog Physical Computing

My Comics at Breadboarding Workshop at World Maker Faire

I was asked by Make Editorial Director Gareth Branwyn to make a couple of pages that explain how to use a breadboard, then how to build a circuit for a breadboarding workshop at World Maker Faire. It was fun! and it was really fun to see people use my comic to build a circuit.


Vote for my panel at SXSW Interactive!

I have a panel idea up on the panelpicker for SXSW Interactive: Making and Drawing: Comics in the DIY/Maker World. Read about it, then I hope you vote for me! You do have to log in to vote, not to view.


San Diego Comic-Con 2012

The Little Prince from Katamari Damacy

Comic-Con is fun! A few pictures.

Keith Knight
Engineer from Prometheus
Mark Siegel and Scott McCloud at First Second booth
Alison Bechdel
Natalia and Gilbert Hernandez at Fantagraphics booth
More cosplay

Arduino Comic named in top ten open source projects of 2011

My comic was named one of the top ten open source projects of 2011 on the Ponoko Blog! Just saw it, though it was posted in January, perhaps I should do a little more vanity googling

Blog Comics

Lasersaur photo comic

I helped with a Lasersaur build at ITP camp over the summer that continued into the fall. I am making a fumetti comic to document the process, check it out.


