Blog Installations Lamps Multiples Physical Computing Sculpture

Clive Davis Gallery Show

Some of the lamps Tom Igoe and I have been making are on exhibit in the Clive Davis Gallery at NYU.

370 Jay St. Ground Floor Brooklyn NY

Open Tuesday through Saturday 11AM-6PM

There will be a reception on October 17 frin 7-8:30.

The show has work by ITP/IMA faculty, including Ali Santana, David Rios, John Henry Thompson, Mimi Yin and Nuntinee Tansrisakul and Shindi Jackson.

Godzilla. laser cut cardboard, Arduino, NeoPixel LED ring
Installation Shot
installation shot
Godzilla shadow box paper, wood, LED strip
Blog Physical Computing

Book event at Barnes and Noble Mini-Maker Faire

Eric and I gave a presentation about our book at the Barnes and Noble in Union Square during their Mini-Maker Faire. It was fun!

Thanks Calvin for pictures of me and Eric.

Blog Physical Computing

Learn Electronics with Arduino

The book Eric Hagan and I have been working on for a while was published by Make. The book is in some brick and mortar stores, here is a link on Maker Shed.

Our book is for beginners, we wrote it for people with no background in electronics or in programming. It has lots of images. A shout out to our editor and publisher, Roger Stewart, and the production team from Happenstance Type-O-Rama, Liz Welch and Maureen Forys.

A few illustrations from the book and the cover. A lot of the content is also on, our site

Books Physical Computing

Freud Book

I made another motorized book using an Arduino and servo motors. This one has pages embroidered with a brief quote from Freud about dream interpretation, along with illustrations.

Freud Book from jody culkin on Vimeo.


Arduino Day

I made a presentation on using comics to teach technology at Arduino Day at ITP. It was fun, despite the horrible cold I had. Make streamed it live, the whole event is on youTube. Here’s a pdf of my presentation.


Arduino Comic named in top ten open source projects of 2011

My comic was named one of the top ten open source projects of 2011 on the Ponoko Blog! Just saw it, though it was posted in January, perhaps I should do a little more vanity googling


Arduino comic on Gizmodo, Make, Lifehacker

My comic is on Gizmodo, Make Magazine Blog, Lifehacker, and many more sites. Thank you, everyone!


Arduino Comic on Boing Boing

Thank you Boing Boing and Cory Doctorow for linking to my comic! Also thanks to those who made comments, they are (and will continue to be) helpful in making revisions.