Looks like my panel will run at SXSWi. Making and Drawing- Comics in the DIY/Maker World. Thank you if you voted for me! And if you are going, stay tuned for more information about where and when.
Tag: diy
Vote for my panel at SXSW Interactive!

I have a panel idea up on the panelpicker for SXSW Interactive: Making and Drawing: Comics in the DIY/Maker World. Read about it, then I hope you vote for me! You do have to log in to vote, not to view.
Introduction to Arduino

Click here for my version 1.0 of Introduction to Arduino comic as a PDF. For a slightly revised version, click here (updated to software version 1.05).
The Arduino Playground has a version of the PDF I prepared with blank word balloons and text fields, and also my script with notes if you want to translate it.http://arduino.cc/playground/Main/ArduinoComic. They also have versions in other languages. If you translate it, please let me know.
Here are links to some of the translations, there’s more on the Arduino site. Thanks everyone!
- in Spanish, by Jose Manuel Escuder
- in Catalan, by Antoni Ubieto
- in Dutch, by Johan Korten
- in German, by Thorben Weber
- in Greek, by Anna Maragkoudaki
- in Polish, by Tomek Maslany
- in Portuguese, by Claudio Miklos
- in Arabic, by Ahmad Y. Saleh
- in Korean, by kocoafab
I would like to make a simple introduction to the Arduino comic- drawing the chip in Illustrator has been fun, though a bit on the time consuming side since I want to get it right. If I don’t do the comic, perhaps it will make a New Year’s card for the DIY set? Here it is, not all the components are on it yet.
Below is an earlier generic chip, when I was free from all worries about accuracy.