1975: A Prophetic Drama
Check out the website Kate Culkin and I made for this play by Harriet Hosmer.
Beyond the Cape!
I was in a show at the Boca Raton Museum of Art curated by Kathy Goncharov. The show was about comics and contemporary art.
Accordion Books
I made a series of accordion books based on my drawings for the animations of the play "1975: A Prophetic Drama."
Drawings for 1975
Here's a few drawings for the project I'm working on with Kate Culkin.
Tunnel Books:1975
I made some tunnel books based on “1975: A Prophetic Drama”, a play by 19th century American sculptor Harriet Hosm
Maker Faire 2016 with Marianne Petit
Marianne Petit and I shared a table at World Maker Faire, called Fairy Tales, Science Fiction and Freud. Gareth Branwyn wrote
Fauns and Shackles
This was a show at PS 122 in NY.