A very blurry video of the ITP Lasersaur cutting a lasersaur. Holding vacuum and camera at the same time did not lead to successful videography, but hey, the thing is cutting. Thank you Eric Hagan, great collaborator! Also ITP faculty and staff and Nordt Labs!
Tag: open source hardware
My comic was named one of the top ten open source projects of 2011 on the Ponoko Blog! Just saw it, though it was posted in January, perhaps I should do a little more vanity googling
Arduino comic on Gizmodo, Make, Lifehacker
My comic is on Gizmodo, Make Magazine Blog, Lifehacker, and many more sites. Thank you, everyone!
Arduino Comic on Boing Boing
Thank you Boing Boing and Cory Doctorow for linking to my comic! Also thanks to those who made comments, they are (and will continue to be) helpful in making revisions.
Introduction to Arduino

Click here for my version 1.0 of Introduction to Arduino comic as a PDF. For a slightly revised version, click here (updated to software version 1.05).
The Arduino Playground has a version of the PDF I prepared with blank word balloons and text fields, and also my script with notes if you want to translate it.http://arduino.cc/playground/Main/ArduinoComic. They also have versions in other languages. If you translate it, please let me know.
Here are links to some of the translations, there’s more on the Arduino site. Thanks everyone!
- in Spanish, by Jose Manuel Escuder
- in Catalan, by Antoni Ubieto
- in Dutch, by Johan Korten
- in German, by Thorben Weber
- in Greek, by Anna Maragkoudaki
- in Polish, by Tomek Maslany
- in Portuguese, by Claudio Miklos
- in Arabic, by Ahmad Y. Saleh
- in Korean, by kocoafab