Lamps Multiples Sculpture

Lamp projects with Tom Igoe

Tom Igoe and I have been making lamps out of a wide range of materials: parts of old tee-shirts, paper, fabric, tin foil and more. It has been a lot of fun. Here’s a few experiments.

cardboard wax paper,  flexible LED filament
fabric, wire, tin foil flexible LED filament
cardboard, fabric, wax paper, copper mesh

Blog Books Sculpture

Independent Art Book Fair

I will be showing some book projects at the Independent Book Fair on September 21-23 in New York. I will be showing with Eric Hagan and Marianne Petit as the Forward-Backward Collective. Here’s a few images.


Wax Paper Dress

Here are a few photos of a wax paper dress I made this summer. I cut the holes in the dress and all the pieces out with a vinyl cutter, and sewed them together by hand.